Baby massage courses  

The course, held at my south Edinburgh home (Comiston, EH10 6PX ), costs £70 and  includes -

  • five, 90 minute, weekly sessions in a small, cosy, informal group setting. 
  • a course booklet ( a replacement booklet if needed - £2) 
  • a bottle of high quality vegetable oil
  • home baking and refreshments ( recipes included!) 
  • discussion and theory
  • ample free parking 
  • gift voucher for a half hour massage for mum - caring for my mums’ wellbeing too!       

       See "Home" page for dates and times of my next courses.

If your  NCT or antenatal class would like an exclusive group, then I would be happy to host one in my home, for you ( minimum number is 5 mums)

Alternatively, host  a course at your home at a cost of £100 per session. This includes -

  • five 90 minute, weekly session ( maximum 8 mums) 
  • course booklet
  • high quality, vegetable oil
  • refreshments (provided by host)
  • theory and discussion
  • complimentary 30 minute back, neck and shoulder massage for the host 


I ask for full payment to confirm your place on a course. Cheques to be made payable to "Anne Nash" or by BACS. I will provisionally reserve you a place up to 10 days before the course starts, after that I will readvertise the place, if payment hasn't been received.

Please contact me for my address and bank details. I will confirm receipt.

It is  £125 if a couple would like to attend 

My classes have a maximum of 8 and a minimum of 3 mums. I strongly recommend starting baby massage before 5 months of age, as you will find it easier to learn the techniques on a baby that can't turn or move! ( though don't let it stop you doing the course if your baby is older!) 

Occasionally some classs are undersubscribed. If this is the case, I will contact you a few days before your course is due to start and postpone for a week or two, to allow others to book, or I will give you options of changing courses or a refund. To get the best experience I find classes of at least three participants work best.  

Please do not arrive at the class more than 5 minutes before the session is due to start, as I may be doing a massage. Thanks! 

There is a covered, safe space to park your pram just to the right of the front door.  

 I am sometimes asked if a visiting friend/ family member can join for  one week of the course. As this changes the dynamics of the group and my classes are often full, so space is limited, I don't encourage this, sorry! 

Multiple births

If you have twins/ triplets then the price of the course is the same. If you wish to bring another person each week to help, then it would be an additional £30 on top of the course fee. 


 The buses which pass nearby are the 11 and 15 to the stop just after the Buckstone shops ( and walk along Camus Avenue which leads on to Pentland Drive)  also 4,5,16,18 and 27 to Oxgangs library ( walk along the lane passed Pentland Primary School to Pentland Drive).

These two bus stops are a 7 minute walk from my home.

Parking (free) 

Please park in the drive if there’s space. Two/ three cars should fit in the drive (park close to window). There is parking at the end of the Cul de sac, next to the house. My neighbour is happy for you to park in front of her house on the pavement pull in.  

Coilcky babies

I am very aware that if you have a colicky/windy baby, you are very worried that your baby will disturb the class by crying!  Please don't let this concern you. Massage may really help your baby, so do come and if you just want to cuddle and watch then practice at home, that is absolutely fine.


 If you are in the medical profession (GP, Health Visitor, nurse, Midwife or a teacher), requiring Continuous Professional Development or revaildation) you may consider using the course as part of your CPD, as we will include subjects like the affects of stress on the body, relationship issues, Massage in Schools Programme and other subjects which may be acceptable to your professional body.

Dads’/ partners  Saturday morning session £15 

If a class requests,  I can do a Saturday morning session for their partners, who can come and do a one-off session of baby massage. The Let’s Stick Together session will also be included.

Reunion in my home  £10 

1 1/2  hour refresher/reunion with stroke review, coffee, home-made scones and chat. Free top up of oil so bring your bottle.

Contact me if you would like to arrange a day. 


A 5 x 90min Follow-on course for baby massage. 

This course focusses on well-being time for mums to do some stretching, self-massage and relaxation techniques.  This is followed by time to focus on your baby which includes singing, stretches, lullabies and story massage.

Each week there will be homebaking/coffee and time to chat on various baby related topics, in a safe relaxed atmosphere.

Classes can be organised to suit your baby massage group.

 Pregnancy and postnatal package

I offer a wonderful package to enrich and enhance your, or a loved one's, childbirth experience.

It includes :

2 x 2 hour pregnancy massage (if there are no contra-indications)

baby massage course (see above)

2 x 1 1/2 hour post natal massage

This lovely gift extends over a year, of probably the most physically and emotionally demanding time of a woman's life and costs £330

See  for more details.


All mums who have been through my course may pop by and get a top up of grapeseed oil for £1 or buy a new bottle for £3

Complimentary top-up for those booking a mum's massage.