DADS' LET'S STICK TOGETHER PRESENTATION - this is session on demand 

This is a short, non-interactive presentation covering 3 subjects  :-

stopping bad habits

 starting good habits 

 getting dad involved. 

This session is covered in my baby massage course but so this is a chance for partners to listen to the session as well.

 As I volunteer with the charity Care For The Family, there is no charge for these sessions.

Care For The Family is a charity whose focus is to support families, and is based on the three pillars -

Marriage/ relationships


Family bereavement 

The Let's Stick Together Course was developed  as part of their “relationship “ pillar.

 Statistics show that many relationships break down in the early years of their child's life. What if parents are warned early, that this might happen and that they should take care of themselves  and not just their baby ?

These three practical, easy to apply, tips are to help keep the parents' relationship strong. It is based on years of researching what makes relationships the best they can be, and comes from the book by Harry Benson "Let's Stick Together".

"I just wanted to thank you so much for the presentation of the ""Let's Stick Together" course . I've been talking to my husband about the issues you raised and already things are better. I haven't  been able to enjoy weekends much for quite a while but this weekend has been really lovely! So thanks!"

"Thank you for another great session this morning. Speaking to a few of the mums afterwards, we are really glad you offered to do the relationship chat - no one wanted to admit in front of the group but I think quite a few of us have found that having a baby has put quite a strain on our relationship with our partners "


Come and enjoy 1.5 hours of coffee, tray bakes, chat and massage with your old group.   These are held in my home . 

This is £10 per person. Bring your bottle and get a free topup of oil .

( minimum of 4 mums) 


A refresher is also available for those who have been through the Older Child Massage Course.

 Come and enjoy an evening of massage with other mums and practice on each other and learn some new techniques.

The session lasts 2 hours and includes a top up of oil . Cost is £20 for session.